
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • Communication Network over Satellite Seminar
  • 관리자
  • 2015-11-23 00:00:00
  • 2302

Communication network over Satellite Seminar


ITTP conducts a Communication network over Satellite Seminar on 25th, Nov.

All ITTP Members should take this seminar. It's mandatory. See the detail as below.


1. Subject: Communication network over Satellite

2. Date: 2015. 11. 25. (Wed) 16:00 ~ 18:00

3. Venue: N22, 102 (Main Campus)

4. Lecturer: Kim, hae-soo (Vice President, ASAT Co, LTD)


If you have any further question, please contact to Ms, Ha(, T.6393).





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