Towards the future, Together with the World
- Appreciation letter for condolence
- 관리자
- 2017-09-21 00:00:00
- 3183
Dear All ITTP fellows,
Thanks to your encouragement and regard, I have completed my father's funeral and 삼우제(Samwooje:third day after the funeral, family members visit a grave in order memorial ceremony in Korea)
I couldn't contact you directly because I had a sudden problem.
I would like to ask you to understand that I can not thank you enough for your condolence.
My father taught students as a professor for his whole life.
I was greatly encouraged by the his disciples' mourning as if their parents were dead.
So, despite my great sorrow, I was able to comfortly send off my father.
I am deeply grateful to you again.
Prof. Rho, Jae-Jeong
- 이전
- 2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum on November 8th(Wed)
- 2017-10-13
- 다음
- [Obituary notice] Prof. Rho, Jaejeong’s Father
- 2017-09-11