
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • [Notice on schedule change]_Development Fund Donation and Tree Plating Ceremony on April 7th(Thur)
  • 관리자
  • 2016-03-18 00:00:00
  • 2829
I`m writing to inform you of schedule change on "2016 Development Fund Donation and Tree Planting Ceremony"
The date for this event has been changed to 7th April(Thur).

We apologize for bothering you with schedule change and hope for understanding.


Detailed information is as below.
1. Date and Time: 10:30 ~11:30 a.m, April 7th (Thur)
2. Venue: Seminar room on 10th floor in KAIST-Munji, Global Garden
3. Attendees: Sung-mo Kang(President of KAIST), Myaeng, SungHyon(Associate Vice President of International Office), Youngsun Kwon(Dean of Business and Technology Management), Prof. Hyun-chul Park, Prof. Sung-won Kang, Prof. Jae Jeung RHO(Director of ITTP), Prof, Young-Sook Chun, ITTP Students
4. Schedule 




10:30~11:00 Development Fund Donation Ceremony
 Seminar roon on 10th floor
11:00~11:30Tree Planing Ceremony
 Global Garden


Please Kindly let Ms.Seul Ki Park know your participation again by 21st, March.
and If there is anyone who want to invite ambassador, let me know as soon as possible

Best regards,
Hyesong Jeong.

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