
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • 2023 KAIST GDI Alumni Association of Korea Event
  • Kim Riah
  • 2023-08-01 19:42:45
  • 243
The 2023 KAIST GDI Alumni Association of Korea Event was successfully held on July 26 in Daejeon, Korea.

Our representative of the KAIST GDI Alumni Association of Korea, Cornelius Kalenzi, organized this special event.

During the event, fruitful discussions took place on how they can collaborate more with current Alumni in Korea and outside in time to get more advantages for Korea for the group and individuals.

Numerous innovative ideas were shared. The greatest idea was to collaborate in one new group on LinkedIn(the Alumni will make it) and post all our events and current successes and plans. This idea aims to activate the Alumni network more and keep dynamic energy on every new event!

GDI hopes that our Alumni will continue its active efforts in engaging with alumni through this method.