Towards the future, Together with the World
- KAIST GDI News Sharing
- Kim Riah
- 2023-05-06 14:44:05
- 189
We are delighted to share some wonderful news with all of you! On May 6th, we participated in the World Postgraduate Expo 2023, held in Indonesia. This expo brings together world-class institutions from around the globe, including Indonesia, to present their offerings to students keenly interested in pursuing postgraduate studies. The event was an excellent platform for over 20 countries, including Indonesia, to showcase their postgraduate programs through an engaging education exhibition.
During the expo, KAIST GDI promoted the Graduate School of Innovation & Technology Program (GTIP). As many of you know, GTIP is a really special program. Because it is for the private sector, that means making it accessible to a diverse range of candidates compared to the ITTP program.
KAIST is the TOP university in Korea, so it is a good chance to get into it! That was why many Indonesian students asked many questions about GTIP!
We hope you take advantage of this exceptional opportunity!!! GDI looks forward to the possibility of welcoming them to Korea soon.
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