
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


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  • Special Sollnal Event at KAIST GDI
  • 관리자
  • 2023-01-17 00:00:00
  • 384
We prepared a special event for Sollnal, the Korean New Year. We played Yutnori with our students on Jan. 17th. Yutnori is a traditional Korean board game. We need four out sticks, a yut board, and tokens for each team to play Yutnori. To play this game, you have to throw out the four yut sticks at the same time. This game aims to return all of your tokens back to the start.Sometimes you need a strategy. So it's a more fun game. In Korea, people usually play Yutnori with their families on holidays. That’s why we wanted to teach our students our culture. Let's all play this game together. Enjoy playing this game with your friends! Also, to celebrate Sollnal, we made Mandu, a traditional Korean dumpling. GDI students made dumplings very well. Since ancient times, if you made dumplings well, you could have a child with a pretty face. All our student's children must be pretty. Wow, our Mandu's taste was amazing!!! By far the best dumplings I've ever had.