
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • [Re-notice] Seminar on IT Global Standards
  • 관리자
  • 2015-12-07 00:00:00
  • 2520

1. Objectives : To understand and become active players in the process making of Global standards

2. Date and Place: 2015.12.9.(Wed) 18:00~20:00, KAIST-Munji L401

3. Theme: "The central role of ITU in the development of global ICT standards"

4. Speaker: Dr. Amine Mcharek, Consultant to the ITU(International Telecommunication Union)


* Please check the schedule again.     

* ITTP Office highly recommend for all the ITTP students to participate in this seminar. Please RSVP to Ms. Hyesong Jeong( before 18:00 p.m. on Dec 8th and Please kindly contact to Ms. Hyesong Jeong if you unavoidably cannot attend this seminar.

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