
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • 2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum on November 8th(Wed)
  • 관리자
  • 2017-10-13 00:00:00
  • 3438

2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum

8 Nov 2017, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea



We are glad to inform you that ITTP is planning to hold "2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum" on upcoming Nov.8th(Wed) which is held annually in fall season.

The International IT Policy Program(ITPP) of Seoul National University, the Global IT Technology Program(ITTP) of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and the Institute for Information and Communication Technology Promotion(IITP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT), Republic of Korea are organizing the "2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum" with the theme 'Leading Global Innovation 4.0'


This Forum will be an event which will gather and share the vision, experiences and ideas from Korea and other countries for further heightening the global collaboration among the stakeholders of ICT. Also there will be various presentation and debates on scholarly and industrial issues of ICT field.


Additionally, there are some additional events after the seoul forum as follows.

so, ITTP would like to highly recommend you to attend Seoul Forum and other events as well.


It would be very appreciated if you let Ms. Sumee Noh know(, 042-350-6391) your participation in each events as well by Oct.20th(Fri)


If you have any reason that you cannot attend in these events, please submit a form of reaseon for Non-attandance to ms.Sumee Noh by Oct. 31th(Tue)


To summarize schedule of Seoul Forum and other events, please refer to below.

- Nov 8(Wed): 2017 Global ICT Seoul Forum

                       Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University(AM 10:00 - PM 20:00)

 - Nov 9(Thur): Alumni Invitation Workshop at KAIST-Munji, Daejeon(PM 15:30-17:30)

                         ITTP Homecoming Party at KAIST(PM 18:00-20:00)


Thank you