Towards the future, Together with the World
- Recruiting 2nd 2016 Alumni Requested Collaboration Study
- 관리자
- 2016-06-24 00:00:00
- 2837
ITTP office inform you that we are recruiting scholar who will conduct collaboration study(research) with Korean ICT Institute or company among ITTP alumni.
We are also planning to invite those who are interested in develop your own study (1 week to 2 weeks) with Korean ICT institute or company. ITTP program will supports a round trip air tickets for this study.
What we are asking is that if you or your country have any demand for ICT area and let us know by submitting the proposal. We will find matching institution or company who can work with you based on your proposal so that you can solve the ICT problem of your country.
And, we not only invite you , but also the person who really are in charge of for you country's demand.
If you have any intention to apply for this ARCS, please contact to Mr, Kim( / T. +82-42-350-6392) first with the collaboration study proposal which I attached. Find the attachment1.
Please submit the collaboration study proposal by 22th of July(Friday).
After that, we will discuss about the submitted study(research), so we will ask you to write the collaboration study plan later on. (we will inform you the detailed schedule directly)
Should you have any question in regards of this ARCS, please let Mr, Kim ( / T. +82-42-350-6392) Know.
Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
- 이전
- 2016 Fall ITTP Orientation on 1st September(Thur), 2016
- 2016-08-23
- 다음
- Regarding Country Report Presentation
- 2016-06-23