
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • 2016 Spring Semester Orientation
  • 관리자
  • 2016-02-26 00:00:00
  • 2886

I would like to inform you  that there will be ITTP internal Orientation on March 2nd(Wed) on 10:00am at ITTP seminar room(A006).



ITTP Orientation is just for the new students who applied to ITTP program and ITTP fellows.  


We will also hold Awards of Collaboration for ITTP fellows, so please make sure to attend the ITTP orientation.


After Oirentation , We are going to serve lunch for you at Lounge.


Refer below contens, get Information on exact time and place for the ITTP Orientation.




1. Date : March 2nd(Wed) / 10:00am

2. Place : ITTP Seminar Room(A006)

3.Detailed schedule




10:00 ~ 10:30

ITTP Director’s Welcoming

“How to be a Global IT Leader through ITTP”

ITTP Seminar Room(A006)

10:30 ~ 11:00

Orientation for New Fellows

- Introduction of ITTP

- Course and Graduation Requirement 2016

- Course Registration for 2016 Spring

- Collaboration & Networking

- Code of Ethics

- Medical Insurance

11:00 ~ 11:20

ITTP Council’s Remark

-Council president: Fitsum Gaim Gebre

11:20 ~ 11:30


11:30 ~

Welcoming Party




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