
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • 2023 Collaboration Awards
  • Kim Riah
  • 2023-04-12 14:29:24
  • 190
The collaboration award was held On April 12th? Ms. Chotimah Dita Oktri Chusnul was awarded the Participation Award of Collaborative Spirit was awarded. Ms. Rosarin Akanit was honored with the Excellent Award of Collaborative Spirit. Lastly, Ms. Diana Elena Oviedo Ramirez was recognized with the Best Award for Collaborative Spirit! Your hard work has made a significant contribution towards the success of GDI!
In particular, GDI would like to mention Diana's remarkable achievements, including writing and delivering LOIs, signing MOUs, and signing consortiums with various companies. Rosarin's efforts to invite Thai mayors and researchers to the UCLG event in Daejeon and to help GCC on business trips to Thailand are also highly commendable. Dita's active participation in international meetings with BNI bank executives was also invaluable. She also invited the largest number of alumni from Indonesia to help organize Alumni Association abroad. With all of your contributions, GDI has promoted collaboration with companies and institutions in other countries. That has undoubtedly led to more meaningful results!
Furthermore, we congratulate the winners on their well-deserved recognition and highlight the great gifts accompanying the awards. The grand prize for collaborative spirit is 300,000 won, and the excellence prize for collaborative spirit is 200,000 won. The Collaborative Spirit Participation Award carries a prize of 100,000 won. We encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
GDI would like to remind you that the next Collaboration Awards Ceremony will take place in August this year! Until then, we urge you to continue striving toward excellence and achieving even greater heights!