
The world’s best Educational Program for Future Global Leaders


Towards the future, Together with the World

  • Meeting on Global Collaboration' FINEP-INNOPOLIS-KAIST'
  • 관리자
  • 2022-08-31 00:00:00
  • 371
On August 31, we met with FINEP and INNOPOLIS at the KAIST main campus. The INNOPOLIS especially connected to today's meeting. We so appreciate INNOPOLIS's support! FINEP is a state-owned company linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations(MCTI). FINEP acts on the whole chain of innovation, focusing on actions with strategic and high impact for the sustainable development of Brazil. At today's meeting, the first presenter, Eunjae Lee, head of the KAIST International Cooperation Team, introduced KAIST. The second presenter, Seung-Hun Han, Dean of KAIST GDI (ITTP), explained our graduate school! Finally, we had a free discussion with FINEP. It was a pretty impressive time for us. We have only two alumni from Brazil, so we were able to build a good global network for new Brazilian students to enter through today's meeting. We are always ready to meet new students from Brazil. In 2022, ITTP officially became a graduate school with the new name, Graduate school of Global Digital Innovation, which is for the private sector. Now, the public sector officer and the private sector employee can enter our school!!! If you are interested in our graduate school, please let us know!! I hope to see you all at KAIST-GDI.